Massage Therapy
At CFX Muscle Therapy we specialize in deep tissue massage also known as therapeutic massage. By utilizing assessment, palpation, client history and listening carefully to what the client is telling us, we attempt to discover the injury or issue causing the problem and then decide on an individualized course of treatment. A variety of techniques may be employed, including transverse frictioning, trigger point therapy, muscle energy technique as well as several others. Clients are also given exercises and/or stretches to assist in their treatment and help maintain their ongoing well-being. Deep tissue massage is more specific and can be more intense than relaxation massage, but is always kept within the client’s tolerance. Therapeutic massage can help with a wide range of injuries and conditions such as chronic neck and back pain, TMJ syndrome (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome), sports injuries, headaches and many more. Although effective for injury or pain relief it can be very beneficial in maintaining a healthy body and aid in preventing injury as well.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a light touch therapy that helps release tensions deep in the body to improve whole body health. Of all the bodies systems, the one that probably has the largest influence on our health and well-being is the central nervous system. The craniosacral system is comprised of the soft tissue and fluid that protects the brain and spinal cord. During a treatment the client lays on their back on a table fully clothed. The therapist uses a light touch – about the weight of a nickel – to assess the client’s internal environment and then uses various techniques to release restrictions. By freeing these restrictions the body is able to relax and self-correct. This enables the central nervous system to perform at its best and naturally eliminates pain, strengthens the immune system and enhances overall health. Because it’s so gentle, craniosacral therapy can be effective for all ages from newborns to the elderly. It can relieve such things as migraines, TMJ syndrome, ADD/ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, central nervous system disorders and many other health problems.